Qingdao Jun Sung Crafts Co., Ltd → Kofiko Llc

Bill of Lading Import Record


The following Bill of Lading record outlines a container shipment imported into the US by Kofiko LLC. This shipment is registered as coming from Qingdao Jun Sung Crafts Co., Ltd via Tsingtao,China (Mainland) with logistic notifications handled by AMAZON MORENO VALLEY. Manifest records show a quanitity of 93 PKG with a total weight of 1460 Kilograms arrived on 2020-09-08 via the vessel ONE HARBOUR to the port of Los Angeles, California. Cargo includes products identified as costume jewelry earring.

Cargo Details
Kofiko LLC
600 NE 36th Street , Apt .1717
Miami , FL 33137 USA

Qingdao Jun Sung Crafts Co., Ltd
Zhengyang Road ,Chengyang District
Qingdao , China

Notify Party
Amazon Moreno Valley
Amazon Moreno Valley ( ONT6 )
24208 San Michele Rd Moreno Valley,

Vessel and Port
Carrier CodeAMIG
Departure PortTsingtao,China (Mainland)
Landing PortLos Angeles, California
Manifest Qty93 PKG
Manifest Weight1460 Kilograms
Manifest Dimension8 Cubic Meters
Place of ReceiptQINGDAO
Conveyance ID9302152 [IMO Number/Lloyds Number]
Transportation ModeVessel, non-container
Arrival Date2020-09-08
Notified Parties
  • HDMU

Container Cargo Description
Container #PiecesDescription
DFSU6751682PO# : R-05-09-20 CTN# 1-93
DFSU6751682PO# : R-05-09-20 CTN# 1-93

BoL Details
Master BOLHouse BOLVoyage NumberBill TypeManifest #Update / Run Date
HDMUQIWB5822965AMIG200321144A () 084EHouse Bill7912020-08-12 / 2020-09-09

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