Zhejiang Changxing Hanghua Glass Co → Dmi Personal Care

Bill of Lading Import Record


The following Bill of Lading record outlines a container shipment imported into the US by DMI PERSONAL CARE. This shipment is registered as coming from ZHEJIANG CHANGXING HANGHUA GLASS CO via Shanghai ,China (Mainland). Manifest records show a quanitity of 1462 CTN with a total weight of 19818 Kilograms arrived on 2020-06-03 via the vessel COLOMBO EXPRESS to the port of New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey. Cargo includes products identified as glass bottle.

Cargo Details
DMI Personal Care
86 N. Main Street
Wharton, NJ 07885

Contact Details: 973.328.1600 [Telephone Number]
LTD.Chenqiao industrial Park,
Hongqiao Town,Changxing County
Huzhou City,Zhejiang Province,China

Contact Details: 86 188 0650 9089 [Telephone Number]
Notify Party
DMI Personal Care
86 N. Main Street
Wharton, NJ 07885

Vessel and Port
Carrier CodeELZL
Departure PortShanghai ,China (Mainland)
Landing PortNew York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey
Manifest Qty1462 CTN
Manifest Weight19818 Kilograms
Manifest Dimension29 Cubic Meters
Place of ReceiptSHANGHAI
Conveyance ID9295244 [IMO Number/Lloyds Number]
Transportation ModeVessel, non-container
Arrival Date2020-06-03
Notified Parties
  • YMLU

Container Cargo Description
Container #PiecesDescription
BMOU31619941462glass bottle
BMOU3161994PO #: 20000013 SKU:212-6600B Desc:WOKE-UP FO UNDATION BOTTLE USA Qty: 130 PCS CARTON OF 1539 Gross Weight 12.35 kgs Net Weight 13.35 kgs
BMOU3161994PO #: 20000013 SKU:212-6600B Desc:WOKE-UP FO UNDATION BOTTLE USA Qty: 130 PCS CARTON OF 1539 Gross Weight 12.35 kgs Net Weight 13.35 kgs

BoL Details
Master BOLHouse BOLVoyage NumberBill TypeManifest #Update / Run Date
YMLUE236145726ELZLSH200400165 () 094EHouse Bill577432020-04-26 / 2020-06-04

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