Universal Rags Pvt Ltd → Mill Wiping Rags Inc.

Bill of Lading Import Record


The following Bill of Lading record outlines a container shipment imported into the US by Mill Wiping Rags Inc.. This shipment is registered as coming from Universal Rags Pvt Ltd via Port Qasim,Pakistan. Manifest records show a quanitity of 41 BAL with a total weight of 18720 Kilograms arrived on 2019-10-24 via the vessel MSC BUSAN to the port of New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey. Cargo includes products identified as cut mix wiping rags.

Cargo Details
Mill Wiping Rags Inc.
1656 East 233RD Street
Bronx, NY, 10466

Universal Rags Pvt Ltd
Plot # 12 &13 Sector B-VIII,
E.P.Z.A, Landhi
Karachi, Pakistan.

Notify Party
Mill Wiping Rags Inc.
1656 East 233RD Street
Bronx, NY, 10466

Vessel and Port
Carrier CodeSGPV
Departure PortPort Qasim,Pakistan
Landing PortNew York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey
Manifest Qty41 BAL
Manifest Weight18720 Kilograms
Manifest Dimension66 Cubic Meters
Place of ReceiptPORT QASIM
Conveyance ID9289087 [IMO Number/Lloyds Number]
Transportation ModeVessel, non-container
Arrival Date2019-10-24
Notified Parties
  • MEDU

Container Cargo Description
Container #PiecesDescription
INKU663185441 BALES

BoL Details
Master BOLHouse BOLVoyage NumberBill TypeManifest #Update / Run Date
MEDUPK483501SGPVCIKHINYC9449 () 939AHouse Bill1212019-09-20 / 2019-10-25

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