Universal Rags Pvt Ltd → Mill Wiping Rags Inc.

Bill of Lading Import Record


The following Bill of Lading record outlines a container shipment imported into the US by Mill Wiping Rags Inc.. This shipment is registered as coming from Universal Rags Pvt Ltd via Port Qasim,Pakistan. Manifest records show a quanitity of 42 BAL with a total weight of 18980 Kilograms arrived on 2018-10-02 via the vessel OOCL WASHINGTON to the port of New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey. Cargo includes products identified as 42 bales of cut mix wiping rags door deliver y : bronx, ny, 10466 k.e.p.z noc # fac - 213 /3041, dated : 16/08/2018. hs code : 6310.1 0.00.00.

Cargo Details
Mill Wiping Rags Inc.
1656 East 233RD Street
Bronx, NY, 10466

Universal Rags Pvt Ltd
Plot # 12 &13 Sector B-VIII,
E.P.Z.A, Landhi
Karachi, Pakistan.

Notify Party
Mill Wiping Rags Inc.
1656 East 233RD Street
Bronx, NY, 10466

Vessel and Port
Carrier CodeSGPV
Departure PortPort Qasim,Pakistan
Landing PortNew York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey
Manifest Qty42 BAL
Manifest Weight18980 Kilograms
Manifest Dimension66 Cubic Meters
Place of ReceiptPORT QASIM
Conveyance ID9417256 [IMO Number/Lloyds Number]
Transportation ModeVessel, non-container
Arrival Date2018-10-02
Notified Parties
  • OOLU

Container Cargo Description
Container #PiecesDescription
OOCU68480944242 BALES OF CUT MIX WIPING RAGS DOOR DELIVER Y : Bronx, NY, 10466 K.E.P.Z NOC # FAC - 213 /3041, DATED : 16/08/2018. HS CODE : 6310.1 0.00.00
OOCU684809442 BALES

BoL Details
Master BOLHouse BOLVoyage NumberBill TypeManifest #Update / Run Date
OOLU2026763820SGPVCIKHIBRO8457 () 8136House Bill9439432018-08-31 / 2018-10-03

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