The following Bill of Lading record outlines a container shipment imported into the US by FURNITURE WORLD DIRECT, INC.. This shipment is registered as coming from HOME-SMART FURNITURE CO.,LIMITED via Xiamen,China (Mainland) with logistic notifications handled by CARVED OAK. Manifest records show a quanitity of 434 CTN with a total weight of 11174 Kilograms arrived on 2018-02-11 via the vessel EVER LOYAL to the port of Norfolk, Virginia. Cargo includes products identified as furniture(metal bed dining set).
Carrier Code | HYSL |
Vessel | EVER LOYAL [TW] |
Departure Port | Xiamen,China (Mainland) |
Landing Port | Norfolk, Virginia |
Manifest Qty | 434 CTN |
Manifest Weight | 11174 Kilograms |
Manifest Dimension | 0 |
Place of Receipt | XIAMEN |
Conveyance ID | EVER LOYAL [Conveyance Name] |
Transportation Mode | Vessel, containerized |
Arrival Date | 2018-02-11 |
Notified Parties |
Container # | Pieces | Description |
DFSU7430943 | NO MARKS |
Master BOL | House BOL | Voyage Number | Bill Type | Manifest # | Update / Run Date |
COSU6170547640 | HYSLNXMN18010011 () | 0922E | House Bill | 1 | 2017-12-29 / 2018-02-13 |