Si Group Crios Resinas S/a. → Si Group Inc

Bill of Lading Import Record


The following Bill of Lading record outlines a container shipment imported into the US by SI Group Inc. This shipment is registered as coming from Si Group Crios Resinas S/A. via Sao Paulo,Brazil. Manifest records show a quanitity of 40 PLT with a total weight of 15048 Kilograms arrived on 2019-06-10 via the vessel CARDIFF to the port of Charleston, South Carolina. Cargo includes products identified as seal mlbr0234561 tara 4330.

Cargo Details
SI Group Inc
1000 Main St
Rotterdam Junction, NY 121509702

Si Group Crios Resinas S/A.
Av.Brasil 4500
Rio Claro, SP 13505-600 BR

Vessel and Port
Carrier CodeSHKK
Departure PortSao Paulo,Brazil
Landing PortCharleston, South Carolina
Manifest Qty40 PLT
Manifest Weight15048 Kilograms
Manifest Dimension0 Cubic Meters
Place of ReceiptSANTOS, SP
Conveyance IDCARDIFF [Conveyance Name]
Transportation ModeVessel, containerized
Arrival Date2019-06-10
Notified Parties
  • SUDU

Container Cargo Description
Container #PiecesDescription
MNBU390439218SEAL MLBR0234561 TARA 4330
MNBU395542422SEAL MLBR0234565 TARA 4280

BoL Details
Master BOLHouse BOLVoyage NumberBill TypeManifest #Update / Run Date
SUDU69SSZ041276XSHKK076713883599 () 919House Bill12019-05-16 / 2019-06-11

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