A summary of customers, suppliers, and logistics partners for the latest 1 U.S. imports by Dachser India Pvtltd are presented below. In total, 1 import manifest records have been entered for Dachser India Pvtltd since January 2018. Click the shipment ID for full Bill of Lading information.
Shipment ID | Supplier Notified Party [Logistics] | Receiver / Consignee |
2019120713966 | DACHSER INDIA PVTLTD NO.2, HARRINGTON ROAD, KRM PLAZA. Departure Port Colombo Harbor,Sri Lanka |
DACHSER USA AIR & SEA LOGISTICS INC. Long Beach, California Arrival Port |
SEGU2611749 [1] | 18 pcs BULK NAILS INV NO.STORE/018/19-20 DT.16.10.2019 PO NO 1902373 SB NO 4003115 DT.18.10.2019 HS CODE 73170019 IEC NO 0516916467 | 2019-12-06 |